Socialist Future

Socialism is the best possible outcome for the workers of the world to give us lives of dignity and abundance. Welcome to my blog, I hope you can find something worthwhile here! I welcome any constructive comments, but please no trolling or hate speech. Thanks, peace and love to all!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Stephen Hawking Rest In Peace

Sadness, but so much gratitude as well, that is what I feel as I learn about the death of Stephen Hawking. He brought such knowledge, humor and light to the world. His love of physics made the difficult subject accessible to all. He truly was an amazing man and is one of my heroes of this world. Tonight I will be lighting a candle and burning some incense for this most amazing man. He also did a lot for sufferers of ALS and defied his doctors by living so much longer than he was told he would. He showed us all that there is hope. Thank you for all you did, all that you were and all you will do in the hereafter.

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