Socialist Future

Socialism is the best possible outcome for the workers of the world to give us lives of dignity and abundance. Welcome to my blog, I hope you can find something worthwhile here! I welcome any constructive comments, but please no trolling or hate speech. Thanks, peace and love to all!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Caravan walking from Central America to the USA

Hello all my darlings! Yesterday I was challenged by a friend to put my money where my mouth is and try to help the refugees walking to the USA. So I rose to the call and started a group and a fundraiser on Facebook. I am hoping to expand this to a website and raise as much money and a network of people that will provide shelter and transportation to help these refugees. The group on Facebook is called Mutual Aid and Homes for Caravaners located here: Mutual Aid and Homes for Caravaners   It is a nascent group, and I have contacted several media outlets in the hopes of getting some publicity for the group. I also need a contact information for people at the border to help coordinate transportation, shelter and food, medical supplies, etc. This is a huge undertaking, but with all the loving people out there in this country, I know we can make it happen. Please join the group and join me on a Facebook live discussion on Monday, November 5th at 6pm PST. Lets show the Trump administration and the trumpsters that there are Americans with compassion and love for we are all one family, the Human Family!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sorry for the Absence October 27, 2018

Hello all my beautiful people out there! I have been away from the blog for awhile. I was absent due to some situations that I have been trying to prevent. I found out a few months ago that the cancer has metastasized to my bones as well as to my heart. I took some time away to deal with the trauma of this news and now I am back after having to make some major decisions. Some dreams had to be let go of and some had to be borne anew. I have let go of my life coaching business as it had become too demanding to constantly try to find clients and build the business here in California. I may resurrect it again some time in future. I have decided to focus most of my time to Life with Metastatic Cancer. I truly feel that this is where I can help the most.

Back in September I had decided to do a month long juice fast program to try to stem the growth of the cancer, but it made me too sick from detoxing and I almost ended up in the hospital again. I had to realize that after the plueral effusion debacle, that I was still too weak to put my body through so much detoxing.  Plus my heart was overcome with anger and sadness while watching the Kavanaugh hearings. It brought up so much trauma for me in regards to sexual harassment and rape. I felt all consumed with rage and sadness for a few weeks. Seeing so many people I had respected come out against Dr. Ford really sent me around a bend. I expressed my feelings on Facebook live videos but could not write about it at the time. Thankfully with the help of my therapist and some lovely women I know, I was able to overcome the rage and sadness. There is still a lot of healing that needs to happen and forgiveness that needs to be done. I have lost much of my way since losing my marriage and moving to California.

Then there is the stress of my health and out financial well being. I ended up getting a part time job because we needed to buy a new car. Well, the car buying happened way sooner than we expected and that was a stressful couple of weeks. We did get a newish car, a 2016 VW Jetta.