Socialist Future

Socialism is the best possible outcome for the workers of the world to give us lives of dignity and abundance. Welcome to my blog, I hope you can find something worthwhile here! I welcome any constructive comments, but please no trolling or hate speech. Thanks, peace and love to all!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Gun Violence

Yesterday I woke up to the horrifying news that another school shooting had happened. How many people have to die before we as Americans stand up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I thought for sure something would change after the incredibly sad school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, but our lawmakers seem not to care one bit that children are being murdered in their supposedly safe schools. There is a social media campaign gaining significance to walk out of schools and not come back until gun reform is real. I do not understand why anyone needs an AR-15 automatic rifle...just what is so "fun" about shooting 45 rounds a minute? I mean, really are hunters using these on defenseless animals, or is it more likely that these were simply made to slaughter as many people or animals as possible? There is a scary culture of death and guns in the USA. You do not find this in other parts of the world and no where in the world is there such a problem with mass shootings at schools. I have lived in Norway for the last three years and I have no fear of gun violence happening to my stepson here. I am not afraid to go to a movie theater, nor a nightclub, nor a concert, nor a shopping center, because there is strict gun control here. Guns are not banned and many Norwegians have guns, but the regulation is so much better here. Americans really need to rethink the role of guns in their lives. I understand the 2nd Amendment arguments, but let us also realize that the Constitution was written hundreds of years ago, long before the AR-15 was invented. There are too many guns in the US and it is way too easy to get a hold of one. This must change. Let us live in a world where the peoples will is the guiding principle for our lawmakers. I urge all of the parents, teachers and anyone who cares to walk out of schools until lawmakers can actually get their heads, and the NRA, out of their collective bums.

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