Sunday, October 28, 2018

Caravan walking from Central America to the USA

Hello all my darlings! Yesterday I was challenged by a friend to put my money where my mouth is and try to help the refugees walking to the USA. So I rose to the call and started a group and a fundraiser on Facebook. I am hoping to expand this to a website and raise as much money and a network of people that will provide shelter and transportation to help these refugees. The group on Facebook is called Mutual Aid and Homes for Caravaners located here: Mutual Aid and Homes for Caravaners   It is a nascent group, and I have contacted several media outlets in the hopes of getting some publicity for the group. I also need a contact information for people at the border to help coordinate transportation, shelter and food, medical supplies, etc. This is a huge undertaking, but with all the loving people out there in this country, I know we can make it happen. Please join the group and join me on a Facebook live discussion on Monday, November 5th at 6pm PST. Lets show the Trump administration and the trumpsters that there are Americans with compassion and love for we are all one family, the Human Family!

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