The platform explains all of these key items in detail and I urge you to take a look for yourself at the MPP website to read the platform in its entirety.
- Shorten workweek to 4 days
- Universal Basic Income
- Federal Jobs Guarantee
- Work and Retraining
- Repairing and modernizing infrastructure
- 21st century energy system
- $15 minimum wage indexed to inflation
- Ensuring paid maternity, paternity, family, sick and vacation leaves
- Guarantee affordable housing and rent control for all
- Reverse the consolidation of industries into trusts and monopolies
- Lift the cap on taxable income into Social Security and extend solvency to 50 years.
* Medicare for all has its own platform section
Americans are in desperate need for a viable 3rd party that truly seeks to give us what we all want and need as we venture into this unknowable future. With your help we can get there. Note: this is an all volunteer organization. Thank you!